Friday, January 25, 2008

Something is up with Rudy :(

At the debate last night he didn't seem very interested (like Fred). He didn't aggressively question McCain and his answers were mush (bland and boring).

I wonder if his wife has put the brakes on or if the success in Iraq has finally stolen his thunder.

In any event, Romney was the clear winner. On economic matters no one can touch him, and they all seem to know it. HIs quip about Bill Clinton was great.

Kudos to all candidates for finally referring to Hillary as Hillary Clinton and putting her ignominious past up front where it belongs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an unfortunate waste. Rudy seemingly had everything going for him. There may be more to it, but it seems to me that his refusal to participate in all the early states has cost him the nomination. I still think that Rudy had the potential to remake the Republican party and build a new and formidable coalition but his strategic failure now means that it won't happen. It's a big loss for the party, I think.