Sunday, February 10, 2008

A veep for McCain

Should he turn to the right or the left?

I think he should look for a moderate to attract independents in November.

I believe Romney is the answer: very strong on the economy (McCain's weakness), winner of CPAC straw poll, and a strong believer in the war effort and tighter control of the border.


SMP said...

I saw one news report (I forget where) that said he was looking at a series of supporters (Crist, Perry, Giuliani, etc...), Colin Powell, and JC Watts.

I would have voted for JC Watts for President if he would have run. But, unfortunately he retired from politics.

How about Michael Steele?

Anonymous said...

Condi! Condi! Condi!

oneopinion said...

I heard Ari Fleischer say last night (2/19) that Edwards proved once and for all you can't pick a VP to win a certain state.

He said a VP nominee should be an expert so he/she can consult on a subject the Presidential candidate is weak on -like the ECONOMY!