Tuesday, May 13, 2008

McCain embraces global warming!

McCain has embraced the Left and I predict chaos in Minneapolis. McCain won't lead a GOP ticket; how this will happen I don't know, but is he not a conservative.

* Open Gitmo
* Ban waterboarding
* Open the borders

No way is this going to fly. Traditional and large GOP donors are sitting it out. If McCain gets the GOP nod, the GOP is officially dead.

I'm hoping conservative Republicans are working to make something (good) happen in August. Forinstance, Romney only suspended his campaign. Maybe they can build off that.


Anonymous said...

"I'm hoping conservative Republicans are working to make something (good) happen in August."

Dream on. McCain won the primaries; he has the backing of the Republican establishment. Nothing - short of his physical demise - will prevent him being the Republican nominee.

To borrow a phrase: "I didn't leave the Republican Party; the Republican Party left me."

It's important to realize that John McCain isn't the disease; he's just the latest symptom. The Republicans created S-CHIP; the Republicans pushed the Medicare drug benefit; the Republicans passed No Child Left Behind; the Republicans unbalanced the budget; the Republicans pushed the amnesty bill last year. The GOP isn't officially dead, it's just a subsidiary of the Democratic Party. - ddc

oneopinion said...

You are 100% correct. Democrats of the blue dog variety are winning everything. While dumbass Republicans run as moderate Democrats.