Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The electorate is fearful

The electorate is fearful of the Republicans going into Iran, of the economy, of global warming, of Congress' impotence . . . Take your pick.

I'm hearing alot of this. Obviously, the fear-baiting Democrats are successfully working their messages. Here are my takes on all this -

1. Iran - No one, not even talk radio, is talking about putting troops on the ground in Iran.

2. Iran - If Ahmadinejad's nuclear plans aren't blown up, Israel is a goner (I'm not Jewish; Israel is a trusted democratic ally in a part of the world where fanaticism rules. And, not insignificantly, in October there was a major oil find in Israel).

3. The economy - it is fine; there is no recession. That is a fact.

4. Global warming - be more fearful of the 2008 election.

5. Congress - Pelosi couldn't manage a 1-car funeral. She has accomplished zero and if that is the reason for fear, you're right, I don't get it.

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