Thursday, November 29, 2007

If Hillary is elected

Do you think she'll demand the replacement of everything she and Bill took when they left?


Anonymous said...


Of course not, all of those things are in her "home" in New York.

She will, however, seek to reverse most of the policies her husband implemented. You know, all those nagging little things like NAFTA and welfare reform that the party no longer likes and so neither does she.

And please, please, please - post a warning if you're ever going to label another post "If Hillary is Elected". The very thought makes me hyperventilate and I need time to prepare my inhaler.

oneopinion said...

I know the feeling of anxiety well. Whenever I see her mug or watch her clap for an audience I want to be sick.
I really enjoyed Bill's statement about being against the war, when he is all over the record having been for it. What a double edged sword he is. :)