Wednesday, January 30, 2008

10 Reasons Conservatives cannot tolerate 8 years of Hillary or Barack

1. There will be several (at least) new liberal SCOTUS appointments;

2. The economy will be in shambles, featuring an interest rate in the teens;

3. There will be tens of millions of new illegals, with drivers' licenses and voting rights;

4. Political Correctness and the opinions of other countries (how to be measured?) will be required considerations;

5. Alleged terrorists will have all the rights of U.S. citizens;

6. Guantanamo Bay will be closed;

7. FISA will not be extended; intelligence capabilities will be greatly restricted;

8. The Homeland Security Administration will be larger than the State of Nevada (in size) because it will be important to feel safe;

9. Tax receipts will plummet because tax rates on the top 1% (who provide 80% of receipts) will sky rocket; and

10. Funding for the UN will be increased.


Anonymous said...

1., 3., 7. and 9. There will likely be enough GOP Senators to sustain filibusters and a lot of moderate Dems in the House which will make it difficult to push through a too-liberal agenda.

2. I just don't know if a President has the ability to affect this massive economy all that much.

4. Ya got that right.

5. If those alleged terrorists are U.S. citizens, then they must have all those rights. If they're not citizens, then I don't know what you do with them.

6. Does it really matter where the current residents of Guantanamo are kept so long as they're kept somewhere? I could care less if it's closed.

8. Isn't it already?

10. Probably.

SMP said...

Take a look at this chart.

It pretty much says it all. You might want to add 8 years of McCain to your list.

Lost in all of this is the low voter satisfaction rate with Congress. Could we be in for another period of a Dem President and a GOP Congress?

oneopinion said...


Assuming the Republicans would be able to filibuster, I don't think that would work except on really liberal measures b/c I don't think moderate Dems would help block merely liberal or moderately liberal measures. Many measures abhorrent to conservatives would be perfectly acceptable to blue dog democrats.

The economy - I hope you are right, but even the U.S. economy depends on a supportive tax structure. My thought at this point is that Steve Forbes would keep McCain in line.

Terrorists - You are right. I was not referring to U.S. citizens.

Guantanamo - I think it does matter where they are kept. U.S. prisons are an unacceptable option.