Thursday, January 10, 2008

Obama - NO!

For the sake of this country the Democrats in SC need to vote for Hillary!

I would quote from the Obama For America website, but it won't open. The level of enthusiasm for this man by such libs as Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas is all I need to know ("I don't want to go into the next election starting off with half the country already not wanting to vote for Democrats. We've done that in 2004, 2000."). And on the blogosphere, liberals are complaining that Obama isn't tough (read: liberal) enough.


Anonymous said...

For the sake of this country the Democrats need to become Republicans!

oneopinion said...

Well if that isn't the truth. Here we are in a fight for our lives and the Dims get more and more liberal/unrealistic.

Obama or Hillary? What a ridiculous situation.

I just heard about Giuliani's tax plan. Go Rudy!