Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The One-Day-At-A-Time races

This is incredible!

I agree with Newt Gingrich that the GOP is undergoing a much needed self analysis and reappraisal; at least it sounds serious and responsible. I have no idea what the Democrats are doing.

Heard this AM - Newt Gingrich will seriously consider any VP inquiries. Good to know.


Anonymous said...

I completely agree that the GOP is in need of self-analysis. It's just too bad that it's happening in the context of a presidential race (which I suppose is in some ways inevitable). I still think that the silent majority of voters prefer a less-active, lower taxing, smaller federal government that stays the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out of people's private lives and if the party would move in that direction - an admittedly radical departure from its recent history - it could reshape the party and build a new and powerful base. Imagine a small government that respects individual freedom; the party that pushes that would be unbeatable.

oneopinion said...

I agree a party that espouses small government and respects individual freedom is what is needed; I just don't know if it is "unberatable" Call me beaten down at this point.

The SC voters disturbed me - ALOT. John McCain is just not a Republican and they made him their #1 pick.

Giuliani has one chance to prove himself. I'm thinking now it'll be a 2-horse race (McCain v. Romney) and the hatred and distrust people have of McCain will spell disaster for him. But Romney will need to walk a fine line and not step on anything to attract those who will vote for him, holding their noses. With McCain, the stench would be intolerable and flat out unacceptable.