Monday, January 14, 2008

Dems in race battle

How well-deserved is it that the wife of the lst self-described black President, Bill Clinton, finds herself in the midst of a war of words with a real black candidate for President?

I'm enjoying this, but the possibility has occurred to me that Hillary is behind this to generate more interest in the Democrat race.


SMP said...

I have to disagree. I'm with the heckler, I'd like to see the moderators get off of the race thing. It turned me off so much, I'm not even going to tune back in after the 1st break. Also, any more vapid remarks from Edwards about "fighting", and my head will explode.

oneopinion said...


It sounds like you watched the Dem. debate last night; what did you think? More of the same?

Anonymous said...

I read an interesting analysis about the Dem race baiting. (You can find it on In it, Margaret Carlson says that Hillary was behind it, but not to generate interest. Rather, her campaign was pushing it to make Obama "the black candidate" instead of just Barack Obama.

And, smp, I completely agree about Edwards and his obnoxious "fighting" references. Al Gore used "fighting" a lot in 2000. It occurred to me then that Democrats want to tie your hands behind your back (with taxes, regulations, and mandates) and then - recognizing how defenseless they've made you - "fight" on your behalf. Thanks but no thanks, dudes.

oneopinion said...


I heard about that "strategy" of Hillary from an interview of Dick Morris, but I was skeptical given his (and my) loathing of her.

I heard a Dim analyst say last night that although Obama needs to win in SC, Hill has "wrapped up 17 or 18" of the 2/5 states so she has already won the nomination.