Tuesday, February 5, 2008

James Dobson's stand against McCain/RINOs

The GOP "leaders" will have to sit up and pay attention to Dobson's letter (he will not vote in '08 if McCain is the Republican nominee).

Just how dead is the Republican Party without the Focus on The Family crowd out of Colorado Springs? D - E - A - D.


SMP said...

I totally agree. As much as he likes to "reach across the aisle", he must win the support of the 15-20% of the GOP that style themselves conservatives (fiscal, social, evangelical). Otherwise, say hello to at least 4 yrs of a Dem presidency (not my preferred outcome).

Two more thoughts:

1. Do you think either Romney or McCain could defeat Obama in the general election? I don't. It would be too much of a media sensation.

2. Have you heard anyone talking about the Congressional races? The Dems don't have wide margins in the House or Senate. I haven't heard any coverage as to how those races may be shaping up.

oneopinion said...

Obama in the general election - I think the GOP either gets its act together and beats anyone or it doesn't and loses to Donald Duck.

McCain's address to the CPAC convention today will tell us alot. I don't hold out much hope that he can do it b/c I don/t think he cares one bit about the GOP.

Re Congressional races. The GOP is toast. Too many Republicans have stepped down and wimped out. Like rats jumping a sinking ship, it looks horrible.