Thursday, February 21, 2008

Want change? Vote for McCain.

If change includes fighting the status quo in your own party, then John McCain is up to the task. And he has years of experience.

For all Obama talks about change, one would think he invented the word. He uses it so often it's boring. It's written on posters, signs; everywhere that he goes. Yet we have no idea what he would change. Change probably includes everything that reminds him of Bush.

Wow! This guy is a freshman Senator. Can he be that good?

But wait, why would we want him to change everything that has led to peace and prosperity? The man is always speaking (in front of thousands) but the nature of his changes are still vague. The changes we do know about would hurl us into a black hole of debt.

What do his fans love about him? He speaks well (and long), he's "new" (so were those successful novelties New Coke and Jimmy Carter), and he believes in change and hope. And they seem to love his view of America as not yet (pre-Obama) good enough.

OK. He's an egotistical verbose empty suit who is hopeful and wants "change".

When compared to his more glaring deficiencies (won't wear a flag lapel pin and defends hateful anti-U.S. statements by wife (and himself), won't answer questions in any meaningful way, and proposes massive spending programs), Obama is not worthy of a yes vote, let alone tears and fainting.

An insanely popular politician we know very little about except that he is farther Left than anyone else in the Senate. Chilling.

Just say no.

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