Wednesday, February 27, 2008

McCain and the Right: T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

The Bill Cunningham situation is problematic. It has become all too clear that Conservatives hate McCain, don't trust him, and are furious about his #1 position.

The polls are showing that McCain can beat Obama, but not if half of the Republicans stay home. And I think a good number of them will (not half, but too many) since it appears McCain won't say what they want to hear; he can't if he wants to appeal to independents and remain true to himself.

I think he'll have to throw the Right a bone by selecting a true Conservative running mate. Immigration is too high a priority for the Right and McCain's position on it is too liberal for the Right to swallow.

Anyone agree?


Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how much of the right's McCain bashing is just venting. I wonder if maybe it's like Broncos fans who bash the crap out of their team all week and then paint themselves orange and blue on Sunday. Yeah, the right's pissed off now, but will they really not vote in November? I don't know.

And if Obama is proven to be as cuckoo liberal as I suspect he is, the moderates that vote for McCain may outweigh the Republicans that don't.

'Twill be an interesting summer and fall, no?

oneopinion said...

What I'm hearing may be backing up your theories. I've heard several times that the no. of Republicans who would vote for Obama are less than the no. of Democrats who would vote for McCain - so far.

And the "news" about Obama that has yet to surface could cause him alot of trouble if it does. One "source" is said to have written that to understand Barack we only need to look at his wife and his mother. This could be interesting. Stodgy old John McCain may end up being the safe choice instead of the boring, uncool choice for President.