Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The sun will shine again!

Just kidding.

The Democrats have their own problems. The Republicans have one: the demise of conservatism.

I feel like the sun will/should never shine down again on this arrogant, stupid, dismal country.

Why won't people WAKE UP?


Anonymous said...

When will people wake up? They won't. They've been lulled to sleep by government programs, bailouts, "rebates", handouts, etc. I fear that we have witnessed not the demise of conservatism but its death. What passes for conservatism now is "we can make big government programs more efficient than the other guys" (which is, of course, a fantasy). We're screwed. - ddc

Anonymous said...

Oh and George Bush is a jackass. - ddc

oneopinion said...

My only hope is that people WILL wake up, but after Katrina and watching some people in NO, I feel increasingly as you do.

Making any govt. program more efficient is indeed a farce. How sad is this topic?