Thursday, April 3, 2008

Stay away Bob Barr!

Do you think this man will peel away the Far Right and hand the WH to a Dim?


Anonymous said...

Run, Bob, Run! I want a libertarian-leaning candidate to vote for and if Bob Barr is it - and costs McCain the election - then so be it. McCain is no different than Clinton or Obama. - ddc

oneopinion said...

I can't go there, but McCain is far from a Libertarian so if you need to go there, it's understandable.

I can hold my stomach and vote for McCain b/c I think he'll hold down taxes and extend Bush's tax cuts; be good for the economy by not signing any protectionist legislation, hold the line in Iraq, appoint conservative(s) to the Supreme Court, and fight for the 2nd Amendment.

There is plenty he'll do that will really make me sick, but I can't see how Obama would ever do anything I could stomach.

Bottom line: McCain is a patriot who loves this country and I'm not at all convinced Obama does.

Anonymous said...

McCain needs to read the Constitution. Until he understands the phrase "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech", I won't vote for him for president, now way, no how.

I'm pretty sick of the notion that "conservative" means you have to prove your pro-life and anti-gay creds but you get to ignore the Constitution and real conservative principles like small government and low spending. I'm tired of conservative meaning "patriotic" - seems to me that abiding by the Constitution is the ultimate act of patriotism.

And McCain won't appoint conservative judges because conservative judges would overturn the laws he likes to pass.

Bush's tax cuts won't be extended no matter who the next President is because the next Congress will be dominated by Democrats. Besides, as long as the federal government is going to spend like drunken sailors - and there's no reason to think that that trend is about to change - taxes probably need to go up.

For me, the bottom line is that no matter who the next President is, we're screwed. So I might as well vote for Bob Barr or Pippi Longstocking or my dead dog Snoopy. I just don't see any substantive difference between McCain and Clinton and Obama. And that breaks my heart. - ddc

oneopinion said...
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oneopinion said...

Your comment; "abiding by the Constitution is the ultimate act of patriotism", is a good one. It's just very hard for me to not give the post position to those who are willing to die for the cause.

You can blast at McCain's campaign contribution fiasco all day long and I won't argue with you. I've heard his explanations and they all fall flat; like those he gives for not wanting to secure the border.

The pro-life and anti-gay litmus tests are tools of the Far Right and I don't think we should confuse the terms "conservative" and "Far Right".

Maybe this election will finally sort all of this out (the Republican Party is two Parties and not a big tent). I hear alot of voices like yours on the radio.