Monday, November 12, 2007

What is a "Progressive"?

Only the liberal candidates know because it's a concept that exists only in their heads.


Anonymous said...

A "progressive" is - evidently - the opposite of a "regressive". And a "regressive" is presumably someone who votes for Republicans. Honestly, I think the use of the term "progressive" is nothing more than an attempt to move away from "liberal". But conservatives are a clever lot and will have no trouble coming up with a fitting - and damning - rejoinder. Unfortunately, "tax and spend" has been used to death. Any suggestions? I'm drawing a blank. (I guess this conservative isn't so clever.)

oneopinion said...

And a "secular progressive" is nothing if not redundant.

oneopinion said...

How about calling "progressives", "regressives"? It is certainly appropriate given their affinity for spinning everything in their past that they can't later defend.